The Scottish Dental Association
The Voice of the Scottish Dental Profession
Welcome to The Scottish Dental Association
The Scottish Dental Association was formed in July 2020 to help unite and support all dental professionals in Scotland. The coronavirus pandemic has had a negative effect on the whole dental community including our patients.
There is an opportunity to reshape and evolve the dental care we provide our patients and we want to unite the whole profession and make collective decisions.
About The SDA
The Scottish Dental Association is a new body formed from a group of like-minded dentists who wish to have Scottish dental matters from all dental professionals discussed, negotiated and actioned.
We want a collective voice that can engage with the relevant bodies; Local Dental Committees (LDC), British Dental Association (BDA), Scottish Dental Practice Owners (SDPO), Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC) and the Scottish Government (SG) to improve the delivery and quality of dentistry in Scotland.
Improving oral health awareness amongst the public whilst protecting the best interests of patients and the profession is paramount. An association of members is important to achieve these goals. With this in mind, dedicated individuals have volunteered their time and energy into founding the SDA. We aim to establish a transparent organisation that welcomes the input of its membership to drive the changes that are required. Elections from members who wish to put themselves forward will be held to steer the group to make progress on the issues affecting dentistry in Scotland.,